Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Fall of (Wo)Man

Once a month, every month, I spend approximately one week being certifiably insane. I am alternately weak as a newborn kitten or as strong as Atlas, bearing the weight of the world on my shoulders. I am reduced to tears as often as glaring rage, and both without explanation.

The experts (or maybe just some hippies), claim that this is all tied to the moon and the tides. I wonder if Mother Earth gets PMS?

During this time of maddening, I seek comfort in worldly things-sweatpants and chocolate milk and long naps in the middle of the day. After a few days time, I can emerge from my madness and return to the real world, where I only cry when others can't see me, and my rage is reserved for those who earn it.


Anonymous said...

Ah, stream of consciousness writing, how i've missed thee... :)

TaderDoodles said...

It runs in the family you know that right? Imagine how dave feels :) ha ha ha