Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Day and A Thousand Years

As I sit here in my purple chair, surrounded by kitty goodness (I've got purrmonster in stereo), I have to take a moment to enjoy what has revealed itself to be a precious little moment of Zen. The hubs has crash landed in the bedroom, lulled to sweet slumber with a background soundtrack of BBC's Planet Earth (my critique of which will follow momentarily. Patience, gentle reader). Ringo has wrapped himself firmly around my left foot and Ginger has manage to absorb the majority of the seat of the aforementioned purple chair in her amoeba-like largeness. The dryer is rumbling in the next room and the frogs and cicadas are singing just outside the window. For just a few moments, everything is okay, and I can rest.

On to the aforementioned Planet Earth... These DVDs are beautifully done, but the act of going to sleep with them playing in the background is not advised. While the appearance of exotic locations and breathtaking landscapes is a welcome addition to my dreams, the bizarre predator-prey situations and multitude of dead animal corpses is not. Seriously, I may have to start watching Care Bears or something equally saccharine just to go to sleep.